Triangulation 1
On an uneven surface, a chair may only stand on three legs, but it supports its occupant nonetheless. An unknown point may be located by analyzing its relation to three known points. In both cases one uncertainty is made more certain by three certainties, the occupant may crash upon the floor and the point may never be located without three points firmly established at any given time. This phenomenon is also well established in the history of thought with triangulation itself being applied in various social sciences and tripartite concepts making appearances in theology and theories of every sort. Our video monitors require at least three colors to represent the whole visible spectrum to the human eye and a computer generally comprises the interplay of hardware, firmware, and software. Thus, to model the cycles of our own sentience, we must define it as the perpetual exchange of three distinct properties.
We have already made mention of the subliminal and superliminal, so the adjoining aspect would of course be the liminal. Aptly, liminality is defined as the quality of transition or of occupying or straddling the threshhold of something. Here, we will define it as the property of what is knowable or, more precisely, the property which "makes knowable"--the visible portion of the spectrum. In a more broad sense, it is action, but not in merely in doing but in dasein or being there, the interplay of all worldly forces. Cognizance itself can be seen as occupying this portion of the cycle--the act of sensing, thinking, or comprehending in more crude terms--as it is as much an action as any motor reflex to calculate or assign symbols to a happening, likewise does the happening itself occupy this portion.
Where superliminality comes into play is as the manner in which liminality leaves a lasting imprint. It is the way in which it is cataloged or more simply, the reflective portion the cycle; perhaps not the memory itself, but the relation between memories whether within or without the mind. We can best describe it as the quality of the course of cognizance or the way in which we map and assign value. The specific "causeways" are something static and deterministic from moment to moment, however. This is the result of adaptation put to trial and molded by the adequacy of their superliminality but not merely metaphysical in nature.
Here we come at last to the subliminal--the static world as it is from moment to moment. It is immutable in and of itself but by the procession of time from one moment to the next. It is what is written and what may spur further writing. It is impossible to grasp, as the mere act of grasping cannot be isolated from it.
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